One of the most important elements of any successful job search is the interview. If you are lucky enough to find an employment opening that matches your career skills, luckier still to be scheduled for an interview, you’ve accomplished a very crucial first step. Yet, the interview itself is critical for eventual success. There are a lot of books detailing how to put together a good looking resume and cover letter. Here are a few titles that highlight the next step in the process, how to do well on the interview.
Don’t Blow the Interview: How to Prepare, What to Expect, and How to React – Ralph Ferrone
In today’s extremely competitive job market interviewing well is an essential part of any job search strategy. This book offers advice on dressing and etiquette, common interview questions and suggestions for effective answers, as well as what to do or not do after the interview process is completed.
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101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview – Ron Fry
Most people anticipating a job interview focus on what their answers will be to a variety of questions, yet everyone who has experienced interviewing is almost always asked somewhere in the meeting “Do you have any questions for us?” This book attempts to give you the skills and insight to answer that question and present yourself as a confident and poised candidate.
Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed – Anthony H. Medley
This is a classic title that is revised and reissued almost every other year since its first publication in the early 1990s. It’s detailed, serious in tone, and covers a wide selection of topics such as the different types of interviews you might experience, sample questions and answers, and how to combat the expected nervousness. A must read for anyone undertaking a professional or business interview.
How to Say It: Job Interviews – Linda Matias
The author gives you the tools aptly named “Your Interview Tool Kit” to succeed in any interview situation. She describes several different types of interviews such as the informational interview, the screening interview, or team interview. She suggests some original answers to typical interview questions and even offers advice on handling what might be an inappropriate or even illegal interview question.
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301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions – Vicky Oliver
Do questions like “Do you consider yourself a leader? Why or why not?” “Are you a better visionary or implementer?” “Are you Jewish?” “What did you dislike most about your past jobs?” give you pause? If so, don’t panic this books offers practical and intelligent answers to those questions and many more. This title gives you the skills and attitude to finesse your way through any question, even the most ridiculous and far fetched including “If you could be any color of crayon in the box what would you be?”
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