Saturday, January 26, 2008

March Children's Events at the Civic Center Library

March is National Craft Month

Stop by in the Craft Room each Saturday in March to complete a different craft. The crafts will be available all day.

No registration required.

Knitting for Beginners

Ages 12 and up

Monday, March 3rd, 6.30 p.m.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit? Well, here's your chance! An instructor will be coming for Crafty Lady Trio to teach you how. Needles and yarm will be provided.

If you're feeling crafty and ready to learn, call 586-751-0770 to register. Space is limited and registration for this program will close on February 25th.

It's Mem Fox Day at the Library!

Saturday, March 8th, all day

Who is Mem Fox? She wrote the classics, "Harriet," "You'll Drive Me Wild," "Wombat Divine," and "Possum Magic."

So stop in at the library - we'll have Mem Fox movies running all day and a craft in the Craft Room.


with Dave J. Castle

Harry Houdini's birthday falls this week (March 24, 1874), so we're continuing the spirit at the library. Dave J. Castle will be here to put on a family magic show.

Saturday, March 29th, 12:30 p.m.

Call 586-751-0770 to register.

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